Telegram Bots
Shows a brief information about the bot, the admin and a link to the bot's internal website
Shows links to the user guide and the commands reference for the bot (this website)
Shows real time information about the bot and your session in the bot
/ls N
List contents of a path
N = (Optional) Simple select or Range select
The path can be the CWD (no argument), a subdirectory or a parent of the CWD (simple select as an arg)
If the argument is a range selector, it will display the selected elements. You can use this for testing range selections
/cd N
Changes the CWD
N = (Mandatory) Simple select for a subdirectory or a parent
Changes the CWD to the parent
It will fail if your current CWD is the root '/'
Activates or deactivates the Automatic Directory listing mode (ADL)
Deactivated by default
By default, the only way to automatically list the contents of a CWD is after running '/cd' and '/back', but with ADL mode activated, more file management related commands are supported
/mkdir N
Creates a new subdirectory (a new folder) in the CWD
N = (Mandatory) New name for the directory
The command will raise an error if a resource with the same name exists in the CWD
This command is compatible with the ADL mode
U1: /mv A B
U2: /mv C D
Usage 1
Move a resource (file or directory) or a group of resources to a subdirectory or a parent location of the CWD
The arguments A and B are mandatory
A = Simple, range or free select of elements present in the CWD
B = Simple select of a subdirectory or a parent of the CWD
Usage 2
Change the name of a resource (file or directory) in the CWD
The arguments C and C are mandatory
C = Simple select of a resource in the CWD
D = New name for the resource. In case of being a file, it must include the suffix (extension)
/rm N
Deletes one or more resources in the CWD
N = (Obligatorio) Simple, range or free select of resources in the CWD
This command does not ask for confirmation of any kind: the selected resources will be instantly and permamently deleted
You must not delete resources that take part of pending or ongoing operations from another command
/bren X Y Z
Batch file renamer
The arguments X, Y and Z are mandatory
X = Simple, range or free select of resources. In the particular case of simple-selecting a subdirectory, what will happen is that it will select all files inside that subdirectory. In the case of range or free select, all subdirectories selected are ignored. The command will throw an error in case that the amount of files for processing is below 2
Y = Operation type. There are 3 operations: 'A' (add), 'E' (enumerate) and 'R' (replace)
Z = Operation parameters. It depends on the operation type. The parameters must be in a certain format, each operation has it's own format
The operation parameters
A (Add):
Add an aditional string to the beggining (prefix) or the end (suffix) of the stem (the filename without the extension)
Format (prefix): 'StringToAdd/'
Format (suffix): '/StringToAdd'
E (Enumerate):
Renames the files in a way that end up like this: 'NewName + Number + OriginalExtension'
Format: 'NewStem/InitialNumber/Digits'
R (Replace):
Finds in the name of each file a given string and it replaces it for a new string if found
Format: 'OldString/NewString'
When you run this command, a confirmation screen with the result will appear. If you run '/ok', the changes will be applied, but if you use any other command or run a different order of '/bren' the current proposal will be cancelled or updated
/seven A
/seven A B
/seven A B C
Zero compression archiver utility
Argument 'A' is mandatory, arguments 'B' and 'C' are optional but argument 'C' depends on the existance of argument 'B'
A = Simple select of a resource in the CWD. In case of selecting a subdirectory, it will select all files and subdirectories alike. The selection does not involve any parents of the CWD
B = Positive integer or zero. A positive integer indicates the part size in megabytes for splitting (No need to put MB or M, just the number). In case of being zero it will create a single file. Default value is zero so if you omit this argument, by default a single file is created
C = Password for encrypting the resulting file or parts
All files created are 7z files with zero compression. The reason why it does not apply compression is because the main goal of this command is to group or split files at a high speed regardless of the resulting size (the exact same as the files original files). Compression is slow and tends to consume too much resources
/ext N
/join N
/wget URL1 URL2 URL3 ... URLN
General purposes web downloader
Running this command without arguments will display a list of compatible websites that are directly supported
The only argument that this command uses is a group of URLs, it can be one or more URLs sepparated by a space
This command although it has a compatibility list, it can try and download any unsupported URL that would apparently lead to a file, however, not all of the apparently direct links are direct
/video Unit1 Unit2 Unit3 ... UnitN
/video Unit1 Unit2 Unit3 ... UnitN -Frm
Video downloader
Running this command without arguments will display a list of compatible websites that are directly supported
The first argument of the command is a group of units, there can be one or more units
The second argument is the default format for the run
There are 2 types of units: specified and unspecified
Specified units are URLs that will be downloaded with a specific format. Specified units have the following form: 'Format:URL'
Unspecified units are single URLs withoout a specific format, the format used for them is the default format for the run. Unspecified units have the following form: 'URL'
Formats are divided in several groups: 'EXA','240','360','480','720','2K'
Among the formats, 'EXA' is for audio extraction and the rest are format groups of different video resolutions, with '720' being the default format grup in case no general format is specified while running the command
Only a handful of the supported websites and platforms have a format support, run the command without arguments to see the supported websites and platforms
Display the supported websites and platforms
/video URL1 URL2 URL3 URL4 URL5
Downloads 5 URLs
/video URL1 URL2 URL3 -360
Downloads 3 URLs and uses '360' as the format group
/video EXA:URL1 URL2 -480
The first URL will be downloaded as an audio, the second one will be downloaded in '480'
/video URL1 360:URL2 URL3
The first URL and last URLs will be downloaded in '720' (because it's the default format), only the second one will be downloaded in '360'
U1:/vconf K
/vconf K:V
U2:/vconf A C
Configuration for /video
The configuration is kept using 'contexts': the persistent context and the volatile context
When you use /video, the command will first search for the volatile context, in case of not existing, it will fallback and use the persistent context. If the run of the command was successful (one or more items were added to the queue) and the context used was the volatile context, it will be erased, this is because the volatile context is for single-use
Usage 1:
Argument 'K' is an available option and 'V' stands for the value compatible with the option
Not specifying the value will display the information about the option such as possible values and examples on how to set them
Usage 2:
Argument 'A' is the action to perform over a context, and argument 'C' is a context. The 2 actions are 'sav', for saving and 'res', for restoring/resetting
The 2 contexts (argument 'C') are 'per', the persistent context, and 'vol', the volatile context
The 'sav' action is for saving the current data in the volatile context in the persistent context. There's no need to specify the context argument when using this action
The 'res' action when used over the persistent context, it will load the default config that comes with the bot, if it's used in the volatile context, it will reset the volatile context, making it the same as the persistent
Usage examples and available options are within the command
Activates/Deactivates automatic downloads mode
Deactivated by default
When activated, it automatically downloads Telegram files and albums forwarded to yout chat with the bot
This command is also the only way to download Telegram albums into the bot
This command can also download URLs directly from forwarded messages without the need of a downloader command such as /wget, /video, etc... for every group of messages with URLs in it, just send the URLs directly in messages like in a 'normal' bot
By default, the assigned command for URL downloading is /wget, which means you need to send URLs compatible with the /wget command, to use a different web downloader, you have to run the downloader command args while /auto is activated, you will recieve a message that will say that the compatibility changed for that downloader command
/upload N
Uploads files from the CWD to your chat with the bot in Telegram
N = (Mandatory) Simple, ranged or free select of resources in the CWD. In case of doing a simple select of a subdirectory, all the files in that subdirectory are selected for an upload. The simple select does not include parents of the CWD
This command is one of the 2 ways of pulling files out of the bot
When selecting files, you may encounter error codes related to the file limitations:
E1 → File size is larger than 2 GB. The quickest solution is to use /seven to split the file, or, in case of multiple parts already split (+2GB of size per part) another solution is to delete the parts and split the original files in a smaller part size
E2 → The file name is very long, the limit is 63 characters. The solution to this is to use /mv or /bren for renaming depending on the situation. A classic solution to this problem before /bren existed was to create a subdirectory with a short name, move the files into that subdirectory, and then split it using /seven
The filename length and file size limitations are not set by the admin nor the bot, these limitations are set by Telegram, so there's no point in forcing it: an error related to it will happen one way or another
Activates/deactivates web file sharing
Deactivated by default
This command is one of the 2 ways of pulling files out of the bot
When you activate the file sharing mode, a link to all your files and directories will be given to you to accesss it through the web interface of the bot. You can see your link any time using the /start command
MF Shell's web interface makes it very easy for direct downloading large ammounts of files from the bot: This is not a normal FTL
Displays information of a Telegram file
You use it by replying to a file in Telegram
/mediainfo X
Runs 'mediainfo' on a file
X = (Mandatory) Simple select of a file in the CWD
This command is based on 'mediainfo', a commandline tool for extracting media information from video files, audio files and pictures
The mediainfo output is saved into a file and automatically uploaded to your chat with the bot
In case of not being able to upload it, the file with the output will still be present in the CWD
/avcat S
/avcat S F
Concatenates audio or video files in a single audio or video file
Argument S is mandatory, argument F is optional
S = Range or free select if video or audio files in the CWD
F = Name of the resulting file without the extension (the stem). By default the name is generated automatically by the command
The selected files can be either video files or audio files: they cannot be video and audio files
The selected files can have different containers (formats) but they must have the same codecs inside
The extension of the resulting filename (and its container) is determined automatically according to the selected files
/ss F
/ss F Q
/ss F Q M
Takes screenshots of a video file and uploads them to your chat with the bot
Argument F is mandatory; arguments Q and M are optional, but if M exists, Q also needs to exist
F = Simple select of a video file in the CWD
Q = The number of images to create. The default is 10 images
M = Switches. There are 2 switches: "g" for gradually upload each image instead of uploading albums, and "f" to force upload the files as documents instead of images. You can activate one or both of them, so there are 3 possible cases. The third one ('fg' or 'gf') is a combination of both
The screenshots are taken depending on the duration of the video and the amount of images to create
In case of not being able to upload any number of images, the files will still remain in the CWD. You can either access them through the web interface or upload them yourself
This page is under development
Esta página está en desarrollo